The San Mateo City average house price rose in line with previous quarters, but the San Mateo City median house price spiked up. The details of San Mateo real estate show that in the third quarter, the average size of houses sold was up 10%.

Examination of other San Mateo County cities revealed that eight other cities (Foster City, Los Altos Hills, Menlo Park, Millbrae, Pacifica, Portola Valley, San Carlos, & Woodside) also had a significant house size increase as of the Aug 18 close of escrow data. Examining more of Silicon Valley revealed that Palo Alto was the only city in Santa Clara County to have a similar increase in the size of houses sold. With no other significant changes seen in the trends of those cities, it is hard to assign a cause. Perhaps the continuing problems reported for the city of San Francisco have changed the long-term plans of the residents of nearby cities. People less motivated by jobs (near retirement) or children (off to college) to stay put might be deciding their long-term future is elsewhere.